’12 in 11′ Clothes challenge update
So last week I announced my personal clothing challenge for 2011: buy no more than 12 items of clothing across the year.
Since then, a number of most excellent people have said they’ll join in the fun:
- Taphophile
- Lyns
- Alice (I think…)
- Deb/Urbanwide
- Aunty Rubbish
- digitigrade
- SBlove_crafts
- Jan
- UPDATE: Colleen
- UPDATE: Joris
- UPDATE: Maria
A few other people have said they’re doing/will do something similar:
- Su is trying WW2-style rationing – she has an allowance of ration coupons which can be spent on different things throughout the year. The “social history of the Second World War” nut in me loves this idea!
- bookstorebabe can’t commit to the full challenge but will consciously recording all her purchases throughout the year, which I think is very useful in making consumption changes
- damigeron has said he’ll be more conscious about it, if he remembers to be ;)
It’s great to see so many people up for a bit of a challenge in 2011! I can’t wait to see how it goes!
(Apologies if I’ve missed anyone out! Do let me know and I’ll add you to the list!)
Read MoreMy low-spend ’11: buy less than 12 items of clothing in 2011
In my goals for 2011 list, I’ve mentioned that I’m going to limit the amount of clothes I buy in 2011. I’m not going to buy any more than 12 items of clothing in total over the year.
I could have gone for a complete ban – “no clothes in 2011” – and I know a number of people have done that, and succeeded. But my unexpected “emergency” spending (broken boiler, sick dog) during my recent no spend weeks proved something I already suspected: complete bans on spending or buying certain items are unsustainable for me.
In terms of clothes, I have a lot of them but they’re nearly all extremely casual day wear – jeans, cotton tops & hoodies. Even my idea of smart is smart-very-casual – slightly neater jeans and a nicer top. If something more formal came up – a job interview, a funeral, a wedding I couldn’t duck out of (and I duck out of most of them) – then I’d be stuck. I also teach teenagers one evening a week so have to have appropriate clothes for that (doesn’t have to be smart but has to be, you know, non-boob-flashing decent). And I probably didn’t buy more than 20 things in 2010 and I’ve got a cardigan in semi-regular circulation that I bought when I was 16 (big then, snug now) – so some things may need replacing. Having a ration of 12 allows me some flexibility when things are needed, or hell, just really, really wanted.
(The original goal (which I may have posted about the place and was in my goal list until last night) was that I could buy 12 new items of clothing AND 12 second-hand but I deleted the second bit because that doesn’t really matter – and 12 in total is much more of a challenge.)
My goal with this limit isn’t necessarily to save money – it may do but equally, I might decide to spend more on quality items than I would have done in the past – but to only spend it consciously and on things that I’ve properly considered. I want to have to ask myself “do I really want this? do I really need this? Is it better to buy this wear-all-the-time t-shirt or that wear-once ballgown?”. It’s about reducing consumption and breaking habits.
A couple of years ago, I wrote a confession on Recycle This about my almost-addiction to buying clothes. I had a bit of a hoarding tendency towards cheap clothes – if I saw something that I liked and it was officially a bargain (in a sale, charity shop or super-cheap to start with), I’d buy it because who knew when something like that would come up as cheap again? But in these days of practically-disposable clothes, something always comes along that cheap again, and again, and again. For example, I used to wear an all-black self-imposed sort-of uniform to work every day and whenever I passed a sale rack, I’d check it for black tops to add to my collection. By the time I finished working at the uni, I had about 30 black work tops, including some I’d never or rarely worn because there was a reason why they were on that sale rack.
Already when I wrote that confessional, I had improved my ways a lot and I’ve cut back a whole lot more since then. But I still think it would be useful to consider it more consciously – as I said above, I probably didn’t buy more than 20 things in total in 2010, but that’s off the top of my head now, thinking about the purchases I can remember, stuff that’s now in regular circulation – who knows how many things I’ve forgotten because they were mistakes and got buried at the back of the wardrobe? I want to know exactly what I’ve bought in 2011. I want to break these habits once and for all.
As with my no spend week last month, I’m giving myself a few exceptions though:
Essential footwear – to me, some footwear is less a fashion choice and more essential health & safety gear – eg wellies, supportive trainers/boots, work boots. I think I’m all set in this department but I won’t need to buy anything but I’d like it as an exception just in case. (However, if I buy non-essential footwear – like the leather boots I’ve been looking out for – then that’ll be counted in the 12).
- Essential underwear – ditto to large degree – with my gargantuan sweater cows, I need good bras for scaffolding purposes. As for knickers & socks, I tend to buy multi packs for value – that would wipe out half my allowance in one pack! Again, I think I’ve got enough to last out the year anyway and this exception only covers essentials – “because they’re pretty” pants don’t count.
- Presents and other freebies – people don’t tend to buy me clothes but I’ve had the odd geeky tshirt as a gift – seems unfair to have to include stuff in my limit if it’s “forced” upon me. (I *won’t* use this as a get-around – “Philip Green gave me this as a present in exchange my gift to his shop of £30” or even “John bought this for me because I wanted it” – just to cover genuine gifts.)
- Stuff I make myself – another of my 11 goals for 2011 is to make my own clothes – I’m hope not having a steady stream of shop-bought items pouring in will encourage me to take to my sewing machine. I’d love it if it got to the end of the year and my wardrobe was jam-packed with new items – I’d only bought 12 things but made 20. That would be ace.
So that’s it – no more than 12 items of clothing in 2011. Let’s see how it goes!
Have you tried a clothes ban/strict ration before? Any hints/tips?
Anyone want to join me in this one?
Read MoreMy Really Good Goals for 2011
I have set myself a list of goals for the year ahead – written up on my personal blog because they’re not all simple/DIY living related.
I did the same last year and found it useful – even if I did pretty much mentally abandon some mid-year. The most useful ones that weren’t a specific tick-off-done goal but one’s that helped shape my whole life – for example, I had a goal of “make a meal entirely out of things I’ve grown, raised, caught or killed” and in order to achieve that, I grew veg & herbs, raised chickens for the eggs and foraged for wild food.
My list is very simple/DIY living heavy this year! Here are the relevant ones:
- Increase the food output from our garden and cook a meal using things I’ve grown/raised/caught/killed completely off-grid
- Learn how to successfully take and propagate cuttings from every applicable type of perennial plant/shrub in the house/garden
- Make a piece of furniture for the house (woodworking)
- Make an entire outfit (to include conquering sewing patterns)
- Go fishing in the North Sea
- Buy no more than 12 items of clothing across the year*
- Specific food makery and/or eatery (because if I did them all separately it would take up half the list)
- Bake at least once a week
- Grow a sourdough starter and make bread from it
- Make a hard cheese
- Try ten vegetables (or veggie wild foods) that I’ve not tried before
- Build a cold smoking cabinet, try cold smoking more stuff & try hot smoking too
- Participate more in the real world – engage more with our local community and meet some internet people in real life
(* I’m going to explain this more fully tomorrow)
There were a few things I also really, really want to try but I didn’t think warranted goal status on that limited list:
- Keep records to track our usage of consumables – I mean, I want to know how many toilet rolls we use in a month, how much soap, how long it takes for us to get through a 10kg bag of rice etc. I might record absolutely everything we use for a month or so, and use that hardcore exercise to decide what is worth tracking longer term
- Have regular “eat only from the pantry & garden” weeks in the spring/summer, probably once a month
- Have more conscious “no spend” periods – minimum fortnights, possibly months, throughout the year
- Find a solution to the dog poo problem – something more useful than a cork up Lily-dog’s bum. Probably a dedicated wormery. Collect and store more rainwater for use on the garden – we can’t use the main gutter at the back for rainwater but could still collect off the greenhouse, from a gutter at the front and possibly off the extension area too. To be explored and implemented.
- Make my own soap – something that’s been nagging at me for a little while
- Make my own vinegar – for some reason, I have a really strong desire to make pineapple vinegar (probably the efficiency of using up the scraps)
- UPDATED TO ADD: Make conscious efforts to reduce food waste at home – probably a period of monitoring it closely to see what we throw out (which I’ll post on here) as well as better menu planning.
It seems like 2011 will be a busy one!
I’m hoping that the last goal – getting to know more people locally and meeting internet buddies in real life – will help me meet some of my other goals — I’d love to find mentors for some of my learning-new-skills goals. If you fancy mentoring me, let me know! :)
What have you got planned for 2011?
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