Where growing, making & good living come together

The purse of faffiness

Posted by on Tuesday 9 August 2011 in making | 1 comment

One of my August mini goals was to make myself a new purse. My old purse has been gradually falling to bits and been on my “replace imminently” list for at least a year – the fabric on the other one was see-through it was so threadbare.

I wouldn’t usually blog about such a simple make but I feel like I’ve sweated blood for this one so need to record its completion for posterity ;)

I don’t know why but it just wouldn’t come together. I tried handsewing it at the weekend using a pretty feature of original garment (a pyjama top) but that ended up super wonky so I decided to machine sew another attempt this afternoon – only to find that my replacement for the dog-chewed spool pin had gone missing. I turned the house upside down looking for that (and got somewhat distracted tidying/decluttering) then ordered a replacement for the replacement before realising the machine worked just about ok with the cotton on the bobbin-filling nub. So I cut out my fabric for the second attempt at the purse, only for it to be too small when sown together (I didn’t measure twice, cut once, tut tut tut). Then I couldn’t find the wonky one I made at the weekend (I needed the zip from that for the new one) so turned the house upside down a second time before pilfering one from something else instead. All in all, I’ve put a ridiculous amount of time/effort into making such a simple thing!

But it’s together now and I like it. Plus, it’s almost entirely made from recycled/reclaimed materials – the only new bit is the cotton thread. Now to catch-up on all the stuff I was supposed to be doing while I was faffing around with this…!

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Alphabet in August – E to H

Posted by on Monday 8 August 2011 in meta | 2 comments

This is a month-long creative exercise led by Chiot’s Run: descriptive words and pictures about me/my life starting with each letter of the alphabet. Most people are doing a letter a day but I’m doing it in groups instead ;)


E is for …

  • Eclectic: I like (and do) a whole load of different stuff.
  • Elephant-memory: Although I usually don’t say I have “good memory” but a good retrieval system (I say my brain is like Google; John, who can’t ever remember anything, is like Lycos circa 1996. Both of us have the results but I can find them more efficiently.)
  • Envious: Not of diamonds and wealth, but of soil, growing conditions, seed selections… I can’t read growing or making blogs without wanting to do it myself too.
  • Euphemistic: My favourite Twitter hashtag is #notaeuphemism
  • Emoticon: I’m not a fan of fancy ones or multiple ones used in rapid succession (which my dad does, all the frickin’ time) but I use the basic smiley one a LOT – including every time I sign my name (electronically or on paper). It makes me smile whenever I type it. :)

(Food and [marrow flower] fritters – double whammy!)

F is for …

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Fig and fennel seed soda bread recipe

Posted by on Friday 5 August 2011 in cooking, Featured, recipes | 3 comments

A few weeks ago, I wanted a sweet treat but didn’t have enough butter in the house to make something cake-ish. After a bit of Googling around for inspiration, I came up with this sweet bread instead – and because it doesn’t use yeast and doesn’t need kneading, it’s ready to eat in next to no time.

It’s a little different to my usual soda bread – I’ve made it a few times now to tweak the flavourings but my expert focus groups contradicted each other with their opinions on less or more fennel seeds (same loaf, wildly different opinions), so I’ve made it how I like it, sod them ;) If you like the liquorice taste of fennel seeds, you might want to up it to 5tsp of seeds; if you prefer it to be subtler (but still there in the background), drop it down to 3tsp. And don’t feed it to any of my contrary friends ;)

It can be baked on a flat cookie sheet (dusted with flour or semolina) or in a lidded cast iron casserole dish (like the slow rise bread). The latter traps moisture and reduces the cooking time – but make sure it’s super hot before adding the dough or it’ll stick.

Fig and fennel seed soda bread recipe


To make soured/acidified milk
300ml of milk
1tbsp of lemon juice

For the bread
450g/1lb of flour: about 200g plain white flour and 250g of rye flour
1tsp of caster sugar
1/2 tsp of salt
2tsp of bicarbonate of soda
2tsp of cream of tartar
4tsp of fennel seeds
175g (ish) of dried figs
A little extra flour/semolina for dusting

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The latest beauty treatment

Posted by on Friday 5 August 2011 in chickens | 1 comment

Have you heard about fish pedicures, the “beauty” “treatment” of the moment, where hundreds of little carp suck away the dead skin from your feet?

I have a homegrown alternative:

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The chickens’ new rocket ship, um, I mean drinker

Posted by on Friday 5 August 2011 in chickens | 3 comments

Earlier this week, the chickens had a new feature installed in their run – a 30litre (6.5gallons) drinker.

It’s a somewhat excessive for six chickens really (they get through about 3-4 litres a day between them) but I’m sick of buying small drinkers and then wishing I’d bought a bigger one (that’s happened twice now), and this one was about the same price as one about half the size so I thought it’s easier to half fill this one than double-fill a smaller one, if you know what I mean ;). Given there is a plan to expand the team slightly next year, and at some point (although probably not imminently) expand into having chickens-for-meat too, I’ll consider this too-big purchase an act of futureproofing.

And it’s not just about future benefits: their feeders hold about four days worth of food and this drinker will easily hold that much water too, even if I only half fill it — I’m not planning on neglecting them by any means, but it’ll lessen the burden on anyone looking after them if we want to go away for a long weekend (the chicken-sitter will only have to check on them and collect eggs). Now, to start planning a weekend away somewhere…! :)

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Alphabet in August – A to D

Posted by on Thursday 4 August 2011 in meta | 2 comments

Susy from Chiot’s Run is running a themed creative exercise this month: words or ideas to describe ourselves, using a different letter of the alphabet each day, often accompanied by a letter-focused photo.

A good number of people are taking part, doing their letter each day like they’re supposed to, but as you will read when I get down to “R”, I’m rather rebellious and not good at following rules, so I’m going do them in batch form instead, picking no more than five words for each letter. My photos will be things in my life which start with (or evoke) that letter too, rather than the actual letters themselves.

Here’s my first few letters – A-D:

(I’m rather over-excited about the achocha growing in our garden at the moment.)

A is for…

  • Animal-lover: I prefer them to (most) humans.
  • Addictive-personality: Thankfully my worst addictions are video games, not noxious substances.
  • Animated: When I get into a conversation, I REALLY get into it.
  • Argumentative: See “Animated”. Rarely productive or beneficial to the situation.
  • Atheist: Something I often get animated and argumentative about. ;)
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August 2011 mini goals

Posted by on Wednesday 3 August 2011 in goals | 2 comments

I didn’t set myself any mini goals last month as I had nothing particularly pressing. This month though…

Personal finance

1. Actually switch my cash ISA as I had planned to (but didn’t) in May.

2. Sit down with John and redivide the bills (they’ve been a bit of a jumble for a while)

3. After my spendy-spendy last couple of weeks, spend no more than the £100 in my “save as you spend” categories (eating out, books, clothing, crafts, entertainment, “frivolous”, and gifts).

House stuff

John’s been giving away a lot of big things recently – I feel I need to do some micro to his macro!

4. Clear out the kitchen cupboard opposite the cooker, and the cat cupboard and the dog cupboard – lots of junk in there

5. Clear out the porch cupboards

6. Fit the skirting board & flooring in the utility room

Growing, making, cooking

7. Make another giant bean bag for the office (since the old office one is now in the living room)

8. Make a new purse

9. Handmill some of my vegetable oil soaps to make some scented ones

10. Make 2 meals worth of ravioli

Have you got any mini-goals or big things on your to-do list for this month?

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