Where growing, making & good living come together

In my life

Posted by on Tuesday 10 January 2012 in meta | 8 comments

It’s been quite a while since I’ve done an “in my life” so here goes!

Outside my window it’s dark but throughout today we’ve watched squirrels, robins & tits, and Boron-cat & next door but one’s tabby enjoying the sunny – if cold – weather.

I am thinking about casting our next drama production – there are 40 kids & 40 parts in the play, which seems like it should be easy. But everyone wants to audition for at least two parts and some characters need to sing but not everyone is a singer, and of course not everyone is suitable for every role anyway… We’ve got to fit all the auditions into a small amount of time too so it’s been a logistical nightmare!

I am thankful that I got the above sorted – or at least everyone into efficient groups for the auditions – the actual casting is largely someone else’s responsibility. I thought it would take about an hour but it’s taken all afternoon – satisfying that it’s done but a little annoying that it’s a one time use thing.

From the kitchen, we’re having a expensive treat dinner – the organic sirloin steaks we got in our December Swillington Farm meat box – can’t wait :)

I am wearing my big green hoodie, which is funnily enough what I was wearing last time I wrote one of these! I don’t wear it that often, it’s just a coincidence!

I am creating … well, I should have been creating a fun new website but I got caught up in that drama thing. But generally this week I’ve been creating two new websites (ooh!) and a design/ideas sheet for our new living room.

I am going to switch off this evening. I have a lot of things on my to-do list but my brain, she is frazzled.

I am reading Enough: Breaking Free from the World of Excess by John Naish – a random library pick. One of my 2012 goals (which I still haven’t finalised/written about) is to review each book I read this year (even if it’s just a tweet) so I’ll write about it when I’m done.

I am hoping that all the drama kids are happy with the parts they get in the play and that they enjoy doing it – that’s more important to me than whether or not the production is a success really. I’m also hoping that the cut on Lily-dog’s paw heals soon as it’s painful when she walks on it outside but she doesn’t like missing her walks! And third, I’m hoping I manage to cook the steaks perfectly this evening :)

I am hearing John on a conference call across our desks and Lily snoring. A quiet relief from the noise of building work upstairs throughout the rest of today – John’s dad has picked up where we left off demolishing the fireplace and assorted issues.

Around the house there is a lot of dust – again, exactly the same as last time! — then it was because we were converting our coal hole into a mini-utility room and now because of pulling down old plaster in the living room. This is the last bloomin’ time I buy a doer-upper house…!

One of my favourite things of today has been how Lily-dog’s tail wagged when I sang her a new song this morning. Another favourite thing of today has been having a bit of a revelation which halved my workload for the week (hurrah!). A favourite thing of the week: a perfect cup of tea yesterday morning.

A few plans for the rest of the week nothing terribly exciting afoot – some living room renovation shopping/decisions to be made tomorrow, lots of drama stuff (we’ve got to get going on a smaller production as well as the big one), working on the new websites, some (ahem) World of Warcraft and maybe some laundry detergent making after Su bullied me into it ;)

What’s going on in your life?


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  1. Maria

    I like it – especially liked the bit about Lily-dog’s tail (apostrophes?) wagging when you sang to her :)

  2. Karen

    Hang wet sheets, towels over doors and around the place. The dust will make for them and there will be less in the air and around the place. This really does work! Positive and negative charges attracting each other. Tip from someone who lived through many construction/decontruction projects in her past. Someone who is sitting here glad that she will never have to do it again! That’s what I’ve been doing. That and trying to decide if a SodaStream machine makes sense.

  3. Jules

    I’m reading your blog when I should be revising for a mock exam I have tomorrow. My first lot of RHS exams are in 4 weeks time, so this is a practice run. Outside the kitchen window the chickens are ruining more of the garden.

  4. Sarah

    I love this as a snapshot of what’s going on in life (and especially love the image of “I am hearing”!)

  5. Clare

    Regarding the reading: Please, please turn to page 230, because it’s the best, most exciting bit in the whole book.

    • louisa

      I’ll reply to the rest of the comments later because I’m just heading out but I had to run up two flights of stairs to see what was on p230 – and you’re right, that’s definitely the best bit of the book so far. Yay you! :)

  6. Su the Bully

    After much pondering, I still can’t decide whether by not singing to Betty Noodle, I am in some way neglecting her, or given that my voice is so awful, I am allowing her to live the pampered stress free life that way she knows she is entitled to!

  7. louisa

    Hi Maria: I think it was very much a “yay! attention!” wag than a “what a wonderful voice and song writing ability!” one ;)

    Hi Karen: great idea – I’ll try to remember it for next time. We’ve finished deconstructing for now, just got to wait on the plaster & builders for the next bit. I’m very glad that these are one time jobs – even if we stay here for the rest of our lives, what we’re doing now will be a lot easier/less messy to change/renovate.

    Hi Jules: I love the inclusion of the word “more” in your last sentence – that says so much :) Hope the mock went well!

    Hi Sarah: thanks! I like them too – I should do them more often :)

    Su the Bully: I laughed heartily when I saw your new nickname and your comment. I think if anyone other than John & the animals heard my silly singing & saw my … stylish dancing they would call both the RSPCA and the nearest mental health professional. :)

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