Where growing, making & good living come together

Had your first frost of winter yet?

Posted by on Friday 21 October 2011 in growing | 7 comments

Yesterday I was thinking all autumnal thoughts but for some reason, I’m in winter mode again today – possibly because I’m off to the yarn shop with a winter woolly in mind and when I come back, I need to start work on that winter to-do list… The garden is my biggest worry in that respect as gloves can be worn without being washed & we survived last winter without decent curtains in some rooms etc, but plants will die & (terracotta) pots will be ruined if I don’t do something about them soon.

Which leads me to thinking about first frosts…

We were down to about 2C/36F in our bit of West Yorkshire on Wednesday night but it’s supposed to be a bit warmer for the next few nights – only about 8-10C/45-50F – and long term forecasts, which admittedly aren’t as accurate, say similar, so we might not see our first frost until November at this rate.

How about you?


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  1. strowger

    Night before last we had our first ground frost. Air temperature didn’t go below 2C though.

  2. Attila

    No frost yet but we are about 1 mile from the Norfolk coast, so we often don’t get it when a few miles inland does. Early last Saturday (or was it Sunday morning?) I saw frost in the shadows when we were going past Norwich (20 odd miles inland).

  3. Katya

    I live in Russia and in our area we haven’t had any frosts though we’re expecting them soon))

  4. Sooz

    I still have courgettes flowering, peppers growing and sweetcorn too! I can’t believe it’s October!

  5. sara

    No frosts yet..its actually quite nice here in lincolnshire..chilly and windy though.
    We still have toms growing and some peppers too..

  6. Steel

    Yes, we’ve had two light frosts last week in Northamptonshire. Not enough to kill off the tomatoes though.

    I know winter is on the way when the tomatoes get knocked back by Jack Frost.

  7. ljne

    Over here in Ireland ,had a light frost last week.Just enough to be a pain in the morning(defrosting the jeep!).At the moment it’s very mild and of course WET!!!!

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