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Charity shop finds: a wool blanket & a cute jug

Posted by on Thursday 25 August 2011 in charity shopping | 2 comments

I had to go shopping from drama supplies on Monday and while I was there (Shipley), looking for spookily featureless masks, I had a couple of pleasing charity shop finds too.

Firstly, a big wool blanket.

The label says it’s 100% wool and “British made”, and it’s in very good condition – no felting and just a few snags that a couple of minutes with a crochet hook will set right.

I’ve actually be looking for a nice wool blanket on eBay for a while and based on previous sale prices, had given myself a pretty tight budget of about £12 inc p&p – but this one was just £3.99. Win.

It’s a little scratchy (it is wool after all) so it’s not going to be my favourite buried-up-to-my-face-in-it snuggly but it’ll be more than fine on top of the duvet (it’s at least double bed size) or as a throwover for cold legs/feet on the sofa.

The other thing I got was a bit less practical – well, I’ll probably use it in a less practical way. A cute jug:

It was spattered with tea or coffee stains when I found it and there is a tiny (1mm round) chip near the spout but I thought it was cute enough to still be worth the 60p price tag. It’s about 6inches tall so I’ll use it as a vase on the rare occasions we have flowers in the house and in the meantime it’ll probably be used as a pencil pot.

Have you had any good charity shop finds recently?


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  1. Su

    Well done with the blanket! Good buy.
    My most memorable, recent purchase was an old fashioned jug & bowl (the type for on a wash stand). I’ve always wanted one, so when I saw one in a charity shop, for the bargain price of £15 I HAD to have it. Unfortunately, I was in Manchester & the shop didn’t have anything to put it into except a banana box. So I was the lunatic lugging a round a giant banana box, whilst everybody else was carrying trendy little bags. Still where’s the fun in being like everybody else?
    I do love my jug & bowl 7 it was worth all the effort of getting it home.

    • louisa

      Heh, I felt a bit like that with the blanket – finding a big wool blanket at the start of a shopping trip = sore hands from the bag straps by the time I got on the bus. That was worth it too though.

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