Where growing, making & good living come together

Weekly meal plan: the lots of quick meals week

Posted by on Monday 4 April 2011 in weekly meal plans | 3 comments

As I mentioned last week, this week is show week for my drama classes – we had our first dress rehearsal last night and … it’s going to be a long week. I didn’t get as much put in the freezer last week as I hoped either – and our store cupboard supplies are low because we’ve not been to the supermarket for a big shop in … a month?. John and I have also both woken up this morning with sore throats/swollen glands. It’s going to be a very long week.

Monday lunch – pastrami with toasted sourdough bread and pickles
Monday dinner – pasta with John’s pasta sauce (from the freezer), and salad

Tuesday lunch – either scrambled eggs or beans on toast
Tuesday dinner – chilli-glazed pork chops with carrots & green beans

Wednesday lunch – chicken pieces & salad and bread
Wednesday dinner – pasta with tuna, sweetcorn, olives & chillis before I go or possibly curry (from the freezer) after I return

Thursday lunch – some sort of dal and rice (pindi channa if I can find my recipe; something with lentils if I can’t)
Thursday dinner – boiled eggs & soldiers :)

Friday lunch – leftover dal & rice
Friday dinner – possibly, probably, something on the way home from the theatre

Saturday brunch – fry-up, hells yeah.
Saturday dinner – pizza at aftershow party


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  1. Jan

    Sure I spotted a fish and chips opportunity in there somewhere-enjoy!

  2. Linda

    In the interests of egg consumption, you could stir an egg through your curry while it’s cold. I don’t think it would be noticable once cooked in. Don’t add it to heated curry, unless you like streaky white egg bits in!

  3. louisa

    Jan: an unplanned fish and chips opportunity may have presented itself on Tuesday lunchtime (we had more than our usual guests around…) I’d have a lot more fish and chip willpower if there wasn’t the best inland fish-and-chip place I’ve ever been to just at the end of our road!

    Linda: when we make jalfrezis, we scramble the eggs with spices in a separate pan before adding them to the curry – that tastes really nice and yes, uses up more eggs :)

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