Alphabet in August – E to H
This is a month-long creative exercise led by Chiot’s Run: descriptive words and pictures about me/my life starting with each letter of the alphabet. Most people are doing a letter a day but I’m doing it in groups instead ;)
E is for …
- Eclectic: I like (and do) a whole load of different stuff.
- Elephant-memory: Although I usually don’t say I have “good memory” but a good retrieval system (I say my brain is like Google; John, who can’t ever remember anything, is like Lycos circa 1996. Both of us have the results but I can find them more efficiently.)
- Envious: Not of diamonds and wealth, but of soil, growing conditions, seed selections… I can’t read growing or making blogs without wanting to do it myself too.
- Euphemistic: My favourite Twitter hashtag is #notaeuphemism
- Emoticon: I’m not a fan of fancy ones or multiple ones used in rapid succession (which my dad does, all the frickin’ time) but I use the basic smiley one a LOT – including every time I sign my name (electronically or on paper). It makes me smile whenever I type it. :)
(Food and [marrow flower] fritters – double whammy!)
F is for …
- Fat: I’m bigger than I should be because of how much I love food. Mmm, food. It doesn’t bother me on a day to day level but I know I should lose some weight for the sake of my health.
- Funny: In both a haha and not-haha way.
- Feisty: See “Animated” and “Argumentative” from the other day ;)
- Flippant: Often as part of “Funny”, this isn’t usually a good thing.
- Frugal: I always have been and suspect I always will be.
(Another “natch”.)
G is for …
- Grasshopper-mind: Hyper-focused OCD-moments aside, I have a tendency to flip about from task to task an awful lot.
- Grumpy: Especially when I’m suddenly forced into social situations – I need mental prep time.
- Glasses: I’ve worn them since I was 14 and they’re as much as part of my visual sense-of-self as my curly hair. It makes cartoon self-portraits pretty easy.
- Geeky: I’ve always been a bit of a geek, not just computer related but all sorts of fields.
- Green: Like being frugal, this has always been a part of me and my life.
(When I quit my full-time job in 2006, I thought I’d get cabin fever being at home all the time, both for work and play. I don’t, I love it.)
H is for …
- Hippy: Tie-dye doesn’t really suit me & I hate the smell of incense but that aside, I’m very much a hippy at heart.
- Happy: While it still has its every day frustrations and it’s nothing like I thought it would be, I’m very happy with my life right now.
- Ham-fisted: I’m super clumsy.
- Headstrong: I hate being underestimated by people who think in stereotypes.
- Human: Well, mostly.
I’ll post I-to-L later in the week.
So much of this applies to me, too ;-)
I just came over to see your alphabet. It is so much fun seeing what other people are writing. I also find when I read other peoples lists that there are so many works that they have used, that I could have used. I can relate to so many of your words. Emily